Quality Pugs & Bulldogs of Distinction 

Breeding Pugs


Want to breed your Pug?



Your Pug is your baby, perfect in every way, and everyone who meets the little darling comments on how beautiful they are.
You think, "Wouldn't it be nice to have another one?"
The decision to breeding Pugs is not to be taken lightly, as there are many complications that can occur and generally is not a good idea for amateur or inexperienced breeders.

The mortality rate of both mother and puppies in this breed is very high, even when supervised round the clock by experienced people with all of the right training and equipment.


Before you decide to breed, ask yourself the following questions:

1.  Are you prepared to lose your beloved Pug during the birth process?
As much as 80% of Pugs need to have a cesarean section, which at the best of times are risky, even when performed by experienced veterinarians.

2.  Can you afford the costs of a litter?
Some of the pre-breeding expenses include vaccinations, heartworm testing, pre pregnancy blood tests. Pregnancy costs may include ultrasound exams, x-rays, cesarean sections which can run as much as $1500. Then there are the puppies worming, vaccinations, dew claw removal and feeding for both puppies and mother.

3.  Can you and your family cope with an entire litter of dead and/or brain damaged puppies?
Pug puppies are very small when born and even under optimum conditions the mortality rate is very high.

4. Will your veterinarian be available for you 24/7 for emergencies?
Complications with pregnancy and birthing never happen between 9 and 5. It is vital for the survival of your Pug and the puppies to have veterinary staff willing to make a trip into the clinic at any hour of the day or night.

5.  Do you know the medical history of your Pug's mother/father/siblings?
Congenitial problems aren't always present in all puppies from a litter. Your Pug's littermates could be suffering from a severe health problem, or worse still, may not even be alive. Your Pug may produce these same traits in their offspring.

6.  Can you adequately care for the puppies that you produce?
Raising puppies properly takes a lot of time and effort. There is endless cleaning, feeding socialization for a minimum of 8 weeks. All this requires a significant amount of your space and time.

7.  Is your Pug healthy?
To breed a Pug requires they be in top physical condition and receiving a high quality of nutrition.


If you have answered No to any of these questions, then you need to have your Pug spayed or neutered.

If you had to think about the answers to the questions and are unsure about the answers, then breeding Pugs is not for your.

If you are still determined to breed Pugs, then you should read and understand the Pug Breed Standard. Your goal should be breeding for the improvement of the health. type and temperament of the breed, not just to produce puppies to sell.



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